Recent News
May 17, 2014
There's actually been a decent amount of news since my last update. In late March, I was accepted as a new Ensemble Member of The Seeing Place Theater. Shortly after that, I was cast in their upcoming production of THE LARAMIE PROJECT, in the Greg Pierotti track of characters. In April I auditioned for the role of Tom in a touring production of THE GREAT GATSBY. I haven't heard anything from that audition yet, but the theatre company said they will be making decisions this month... so, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Last week, I was cast in a leading role of an episode of a cable television show. I can't give further details at this point, except that my episode will probably air in September or October. I'll update the site as I have more info regarding all of these acting endeavors.
On more personal notes, I started a temp paralegal job late last month... it's always good to have a job. And, on a sad personal note, my 20 year old kitty cat and best friend, Ebb, passed away on March 15th. I was lucky to be able to spend his final 2 weeks with him, and hold him in my arms as he left the world. I will forever miss my Ebby cat.
New One Minute Demo Reel Added
March 12, 2014
I just added a new one minute demo reel. Please go to the "Reel" page to view it. Thanks!
December 16, 2013
Yesterday, I added 2 demo reels to my site. You can find them on the "Reel" page, or by clicking "Demo Reels" above. The first one is 3 minutes long, and it is what I'm considering to be my main demo reel. And, there is a shorter one that is about 2 minutes long, for those people in a hurry or with a short attention span :-) Much thanks to Bert Payne for his help in putting together the reels.
Please feel free to give me feedback on the reels, or on anything else on this site, by either making a comment on the "Comments" page, or by sending me an email via my "Contact" page. Thanks!
November 17, 2013
Hello everyone. I'm just starting this page, because I figure it's about time to have an acting website. I will update this page whenever there is something new in my acting career, or when I take an interesting class or have an interesting audition, or if I just have general info to share. Right now, you can view some headshots, production photos, contact info, my resume', and a link to some acting clips and other info. I'll have a reel uploaded shortly after Thanksgiving. There is also a link to my IMDB page (at the top right of each page on the site), and links to my Twitter and Facebook pages (on the bottom right of each page on the site)